Last call to get klabered

A group picture at the St. Charles Oktoberfest.
Hello Klaberheads,
Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. I can’t believe it’s already the last month of the Oktoberfest season!
We are starting out October with the 50th Anniversary of the Minster Oktoberfest. We are so excited to be a part of it. Minster has been a part of our season since the mid-1980s. People will ask me why we think such a small-town Oktoberfest is so special to us. Where to start…
Back in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, the Minster Oktoberfest was our last fest of the season and so we made the most of it! Franz would use a meeting room at the hotel for a “hospitality” area filled with appetizers, beer, desserts, and more. He would also recruit some of his friends to come up and run “security” for us. Back in the day, that was needed as the crowd was quite rambunctious, especially after having a few half-gallon jugs of beer. It was not uncommon to see women climbing the tent poles!
We’re all older, and that is just a memory now. For me to try and describe the scene under the tent–words don’t do it justice. You’ll just have to experience it for yourself! Everyone is singing, dancing, smiling, and laughing. I mean EVERYONE! The energy and atmosphere (gemütlichkeit) are off the charts! If you’ve yet to come to the Minster Oktoberfest, don’t wait another year. You won’t be disappointed. Did I mention the tenderloins are bigger than a paper plate?
The second weekend in October we are returning to our favorite restaurant/brewery, Schulz Bräu Brewing Company in Knoxville, TN. This is such a beautiful venue. As soon as you walk into the castle (yes it looks like a castle) you are immersed in a beautiful biergarten. The food is the most authentic to my Oma’s that I’ve ever had. Behind the stage is a huge digital screen that features UT games, live from Münich Oktoberfest cams, and Klaberhead graphics and videos as we play. The Schulz family, staff, and patrons are always so welcoming and we LOVE being a part of their Oktoberfest celebration.
From Knoxville, we are headed to a new Oktoberfest for us. New Orleans! Each season I try to get the band to a new fest or a new location/state. I'm so excited that this one fits the bill. We will be there for the last two weekends in October. If you have friends or family near NOLA, please let them know they have the opportunity to get Klabered! Familiar faces are always appreciated and you can help teach the Ok-To-Ber-Fest (YMCA) song and lead the Beer Train.
We are most looking forward to using our music to spread the gemütlichkeit and Klaberhead style to a new group of people.
It’s a lofty goal, but I plan to get every state Klabered :) Get ready Louisiana!
See you at the Fest,

This month's shows
New merch drop
Bandmember spotlight

Emily Klaber is the lead singer for the Klaberheads and sometimes plays the cowbell. Her first time singing with the band was when she was eight years old.
She takes immense pride in loading the equipment van after gigs and has it down to a science.
Emily is also in charge of all the Klaberheads' social media and the website. Make sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram pages.
When she's not performing with the Klaberheads, Emily loves painting, making crafts, and playing with her cat Spork.